Management, Practice + Law | Bilston Board-Walk, Stage 3 Report.

The report has been created as a supplementary document to the comprehensive design project, completed as part of the ARC7204 Architectural Synergies module conducted during the academic 2016/17 academic year within Birmingham City University.

The Stage 3 Report, as defined by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Plan of Work 2013 has been prepared by the architect on behalf of, and presented to the client, ‘Bilston Commons Community Partnership’. The document sets out the proposals for the ‘Bilston Board Walk’ mixed use development up to and including the Developed Design Stage.

The report will detail the Design Philosophy and Site Location of the project. The core of the document will focus on the Project Delivery, Regulatory Framework and Cost Planning of the proposed scheme. Following the output of this document, its approval by the client and any further pre-application advice from the City Council, the project will formerly be submitted as a planning application. 

To view a copy,  please click here.

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